Few weeks earlier DreamWorks Animation Studios released the first look images of the upcoming action comedy Kung Fu Panda 3, which included new panda characters which seems to be Po's family and the new villain and evil spirit called Kai. Here are the images:
Now DreamWorks released the official first trailer of the thirst part which shows the Po's biological father Li and we all know the movie has many more secrets to reveal. Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan and David Cross are playing their original roles, in addition Breaking Bad's lead actor Bryan Cranston is playing Po's father Li, J. K. Simmons as the evil spirit Kai and Rebel Wilson as Mei Mei (source from Wikipedia)who is an overly eager panda and aspiring ribbon dancer who has been promised in an arranged marriage to Po.
The film is set to release on January 29th, 2016. Here is the trailer:
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