The most awaited film by Marvel's extraordinary super team the Avengers: Age of Ultron released in India with awesomeness, great fights and yes, with more super cool visual and special effects. Directed by Joss Whedon and produced by Walt Disney Pictures this is the 11 th installment of Marvel Cinematic Universe. As we all expected, the film is a full pack entertainment, worth of money, and kickass action film. It includes all our favourite actors and superheroes reprising the same role from the first Avenger film and some new characters too. To brief the story, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner discovers an artificial intelligence from Loki’s scepter, which they found in Sokovia and tries to include it in Stark’s global defence program “Ultron”. After a lot of test Ultron wake up, kill J.A.R.V.I.S., start attacking the Avengers and escape with Loki’s scepter. Meanwhile Ultron activate the Hydra’s base in Sokovia, upgrade into a robotic body and creates robot drone...