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News: Toy Story 3 Was Planned Different Before

Pixar movies are always very unique, into the story, and doesn't focus only on one genre. When they released world's first computer generated animated full length film, Toy Story, they not amazed everyone with the new look, but also touched with the story. And all their film follow the same tradition.

The most appraised movie by the studio was Toy Story 3, which made the first Toy Story series to win an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film, and also the third animated film to get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture (first Beauty and the Beast, and then UP, both produced by Disney). The film really had a great story, the adventure of returning home, Andy all grown up, and facing the villainous toy Lots-O'. But before this was finalized, Pixar had a different concept for the toys, and they really did made some concept art for the same.

The Toy Story was about both Woody and Buzz, Toy Story 2 was about rescuing Woody, and Toy Story 3 was planned to help and fix Buzz. Yes this is true. According to Disney Wiki, a brief synopsis of the original Toy Story 3‘s story:
It focused on the other toys shipping a malfunctioning Buzz to Taiwan, where he was built, believing that he will be fixed there. While searching on the Internet, they find out that many more Buzz Lightyear toys are malfunctioning around the world and the company has issued a massive recall. Fearing Buzz’s destruction, a group of Andy’s toys (Woody, Rex, Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Hamm, Jessie, and Bullseye) venture to rescue Buzz. At the same time, Buzz meets other toys from around the world that were once loved, but have now been recalled. 

To further more proof, you can check the concept art released by Pixar:

SOURCE: Pixar Times


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