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Official Trailer:The Jurassic World Is Now Open!!

Steven Spielberg tried to bring the Jurassic Era in the amusement park, so that mankind can witness the dinosaurs in real life, which was very well visualized by the legendary director in his action adventure thriller film Jurassic Park. The movie did earned positive recognition and reviews, winning 3 Oscars too. The movie was followed with 2 sequels like Jurassic Park: The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3

After such long years and releasing the poster, Spielberg being the executive producer, along with director Colin Trevorrow, released the new the 4th edition of the Jurassic series, Jurassic World, starring Chris Patt and Bryce Dallas Howard. 

The movie is set to be released on June 12, 2015. Here is the trailer:


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