In 1993, Saban Entertainment and Fox Kids showcased a superhero TV show Power Rangers which created a popular culture among the young generation of the 90s and still growing. After the The first entry, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in television the show spread with different kinds of Power Rangers each year. This include the two films Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie connecting to the series of the show.
Now after two decades, Saban Entertainment is releasing the Mighty Morphin reboot film which will focus on the origin of the first Power Rangers. Starring Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G, Ludi Lin, Bill Hader, with Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Banks.
The film is scheduled to release on March 24, 2017. Here is the teaser trailer:
The film is scheduled to release on March 24, 2017. Here is the teaser trailer:
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