Iron Man is the coolest superhero Marvel ever created (even Hulk), and its true that everyone really enjoyed the sci-fi advanced technology film, but you will never think that the same powers can be used more awesomely on a non-living object.Yeah, it is really cool. So the Anders Wotzke - Moviedex (may be an Iron Man fan), created an amazing parody, which made every to watch again and again, clicking the below YouTube link. The story according to Anders Wotzke : " Ultra Downy Jr. (now with floral scent!) stars as Tony Starch: Genius. Billionaire. Philanthropist. Can of fabric softener. After being pressured into revealing his secret identity, Starch attracts the attention of the nefarious Fabrice Crimp, leader of a cult of creased cottons who believes that since the world isn’t flat, nothing should be. Only Iron Can has the power-setting to flatten Fabrice and put an end to his ruffled reign of terror. No one straight is safe. Everyone bent ...